Upload a single prepared PDF file containing your complete document.
If you selected double sided printing, all odd number pages (1, 3, 5, etc.) will be front sides and even number pages (2, 4, 6, etc.) will be back sides. Insert blank pages throughout to adjust if needed.
Ensure your documents are set up at 8.5x11" North American standard (Letter). Files submitted in A4 (European standard) will be scaled to fit which will result in larger side borders.
Document printing is not full bleed, do not add bleed to your files, or they will be scaled to fit. Artwork should be exactly 8.5x11" to avoid scaling.
Pages will be printed with a standard 0.25" white border, so ensure your content is sufficiently spaced from the edge or else the document will be scaled to fit, to ensure nothing is cut off.
Files are processed as they are received, and correct document preparation is your responsibility. We are not responsible for incorrectly prepared files.