This product is the grand daddy of our foil business card collection. If you're looking for a incredibly thick stock with the added flair of foil then these cards may be the perfect fit for you. The uncoated surface gives it a nice natural paper texture, and at a massive 32pt thickness these cards are very rigid (even thicker than a credit card).

When designing your card, note that we recommend using light coloured backgrounds on uncoated stocks, filled colours and photos will appear less vibrant than they would on a coated stock. Our silk laminated foil business cards would be the alternative to this product on a coated stock, unfortunately we do not offer a 32pt weight coated business card.

Currently this product is only available in runs of 250 and 500 however if you would like a larger batch simply double up the order or contact us for a bulk quote. Available foil options are gold or silver.


Stock: 32pt Uncoated
Coating: Non-coated
Finishing Options: Silver foil, Gold foil
Final Caliper: 32pt

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Total:$215.00 (CAD)
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Estimated Total:$215.00 (CAD)